With still no sign of my travel group, I have breakfast at the hotel. Today's weather is really crappy outside, with rain pouring down. I purchase an umbrella at the front desk of our hotel... from the guy working the desk. He gave me the used umbrella for 5 euros. What a deal....
After leaving another 200 euros and a note in Allison's suitcase telling the group where I would be, I walked toward the train station. Wanting to surprise my new friend with a present, I stop in a little shop along the way and pick up a box of chocolates. Cost 8 euros.
With my backpack on my back, my box of chocolates under my arm, and my umbrella in my hand, I walked in the rain toward the station. The streets were pretty busy this morning, with people walking hunched over in the rain. I bumped into a guy, and I dropped my chocolates. As I stooped to pick them up, I felt the guy try to reach into my back pocket, presumably in an attempt to steal my wallet. Bashing him upside the head with umbrella, we began to fight in the street. I had noticed from the tourist information booth that this area of Rome was notorious for pickpockets, but I didn't think that I would be a target. Nevertheless, I had been careful to keep most of the groups cash and travelers checks in a special chest wallet that I had bought prior to our beginning the trip. This guy was just going after a few euros and my NCSU student ID that I kept in my normal wallet.
As we tusseled, the guy managed to escape my grasp and run away. I immediately felt for my wallet, and since it was missing, checked around in the street. Luckily, the guy hadn't made off with it. A little soggy, it was lying in a puddle.
Amped with adrenaline, pissed at the guy for trying to rob me, and knowing that he probably wouldn't have tried if my group was with me, I met up with my new friend and told her I wasn't really in the mood to go to Naples. We decided that we would instead head toward the Roman Sport Centre, situated in the Villa Borghese. The Sport Centre had a variety of aerobic exercise equipment, a swimming pool, and squash courts.

We hailed a taxi, and took a short ride to the Sport Centre. Cost, 15 euros
Once inside, we decided to play a little squash, and then go swimming. We were both dressed for walking, but not exercising, so we purchased inexpensive workout gear and swimsuits from the pro shop. I noticed that the typical swimwear for males was a little banana hammock speedo thing. Thinking my boxer briefs provided me more coverage, I reluctantly gave in to local culture and bought the little swim trunks. My cost: 52 euros
After some fun physical exercise, we decided to go find a restaurant to feed ourselves. We decided to pick up a couple of calzones, and head back to my friend's hotel where there was supposed to be a live band playing later on in the night. We sat on the balcony of her hotel room and watched the rain fall. Exchanging stories of our upbringing, we soon heard the music playing downstairs. Invigorated by the sound, we went down to the lobby and watched the band play. We started drinking some Perroni, the favorite local Italian beer. After more ribbing about my sexy little swimtrunks, and a few beers (more than I could count) my friend offered me to stay in her room instead of trying to stumble back across the city. I graciously accepted. Bar tab: 45 euros
by: Ben
Funds spent today: 125 Euros, 200 euros to group (rest of group has 1128.90 euros)
Remaining Budget: $83180.28
Cash in Euros: 470
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