Good morning Accra! Unfortunately this is the last leg of our eight weeks trip. Once we all got ready for the day, we headed downstairs to the lobby in the hotel to get some breakfast in our stomachs. Everyone was fairly quite while we ate. I guess it is starting to sink in with us all that we will have to go back to the real world in just a few days. Today we all decided that we were going to the National Museum of Ghana which is in downtown Accra.
Once we arrived at the museum, we found a very nice nice guide to show us around the place. She was extremely knowledgeable and helpful to us. She explained that the National Museum in Accra is one of the oldest museums in Ghana. Established in 1957, the museum was officially opened by the Duchess of Kent, Britain on the eve of Ghana's Independence. This fairly large museum contains some fascinating exhibits that are a part of the country's historical past. The collection in the museum range from from pre-historic, archaeological discoveries, to colonial antiquities and exhibits of contemporary African art. You will also find a permanent exhibition in the ethnography gallery that contains objects such as indigenous musical instruments, gold-weights, stools and pottery as well as the famous Ashanti gold weights used long ago to determine the value of goods. Apart from this, the museum has objects from other African countries acquired through exchange. Walking further inside the museum, you will come across a series of contemporary Ghanaian paintings in the art gallery. The museum also holds some temporary exhibitions by individuals as well as foreign embassies. Overall, we enjoyed the museum and got a few great photo shots. We definitely learned some interesting fact about the area as well as the culture, thanks to our awesome guide.
For the remainder of the of the day, we spent our time looking in different little shops in the downtown area. We also found different food stands with unique foods that were part of the culture around the area. I must say the food was good but a little different than what I was used to. Once we settled down for the night we had a couple of bottles of expensive red wine to sip on by the hotel pool.
Total Expenses:
938 GHS
653 Dollars
Total Expenses:
938 GHS
653 Dollars
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